
TrypRE select(1×)

CAS:  9002-07-7



Storage conditions: 2-8°C, protect from light, tightly sealed

TrypRE select (1×) is a recombinant heat-stable trypsin digest obtained by fermentation, culture, isolation, purification and preparation of Pichia pastoris genetically engineered strains. TrypRE select is a non-animal derivative recombinant enzyme that can be used to dissociate a variety of adherent mammalian cells, including CHO, HEK 293, A529, primary human keratinocytes, and embryonic stem cells. 

trypre select 01

TrypRE select(1×) Description

The recombinant enzyme used in this product is a trypsin-like protease derived from Fusarium oxysporum, which is a serine protease that can selectively hydrolyze the peptide chain composed of the carboxyl terminus of lysine or arginine in proteins, and has the same enzymatic properties as recombinant porcine trypsin and recombinant bovine trypsin.

TrypRE select (1×) has been shown to efficiently dissociate adherent cells cultured with and without serum in cell experiments, with similar digestion characteristics to recombinant porcine trypsin. Unlike recombinant porcine trypsin, TrypRE select (1×) is not easy to self-cut and can be stored stably at room temperature at 2-8°C, making it easy to use.

TrypRE select(1×) Specifications

SourceFusarium oxysporus
Expression systemPichia pastoris
PropertiesColorless clear solution
Enzyme activity≥200 USP units/ml
Sterility testnegative

Enzyme Activity Definition: 25°C, pH 7.6, reaction system 3.0ml (1cm optical path), enzymatic digestion of BAEE increases the absorption value at 253 nm by 0.003 per minute, defined as one USP unit.

TrypRE select(1×) Product Features

Compared to common trypsin and other dissociation reagents, TrypRE select (1×) has the following features:

  • No animal origin: no animal virus, no pathogenic substances, no foreign factor pollution, high safety.

  • Stable at room temperature: easy to use.

  • Gentle on cells: low cytotoxicity, can keep cells healthy.

  • Compliance: The production equipment and production environment meet the requirements of relevant regulations and comply with GMP guidelines.

  • Complete quality documents: According to customer needs, relevant regulatory support documents can be provided.

TrypRE select(1×)Recommended usage

  • Pre-warm TrypRE select (1×) and complete growth medium to 37 °C before use. Minimize dwell time.

  • Aspirate and discard the spent medium. 

  • Wash the cells with 5 ml of DPBS buffer without calcium and magnesium. Aspirate and discard.

  • Add an appropriate volume of TrypRE select (1 ×) to the flask (e.g., 5 ml to 75 ml flask) to ensure that the TrypRE select (1 ×) completely covers the cells.

  • Incubate at 37 °C until the cells are detached. Observe the cells using an inverted microscope to ensure that the cells are completely detached from the surface of the flask. If necessary, gently tap the flask to remove the cells.

  • Add 5-10 ml of pre-warmed complete medium to the flask. Tilt the flask until the flask is rinsed thoroughly. Transfer the cell suspension to a 15 ml conical tube.

  • Centrifuge at 100×g for 5-10min.

  • Discard the supernatant and resuspend the cell pellet with 2-5 ml of pre-warmed complete medium.

  • Use an automated cell counter to determine viable cell density and viability.

  • Seeding, incubation, and subculturing according to the normal protocol depending on your cell type. 

TrypRE select(1×)Product use

Digestion with various types of cells, such as subdigestion of adherent cells; Tissue block digestion and primary cell harvesting; digestion of microcarrier cultured cells; digestion of stem cells; immune cell digestion, etc.

Transportation and storage stability

Transportation stability: Ice packs are insulated and transported, and the activity is stable.

Storage stability: It can be stored for 24 months at 2-8 °C, sealed and protected from light, and can also be stored at -15 °C and below, sealed and protected from light for 24 months. It can be stored for 1 month at room temperature, sealed and protected from light.

Precautions and Disclaimers

This product should be used as soon as possible after opening, and microbial contamination should be prevented during storage.

This product is only for scientific research and production, and should not be used on the human body.


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